A Lovely Poem

First, a quote from Willow. The episode: Gingerbread.

"Prince of Night, I summon you! Come fill me with your black, naughty evil."

So I wrote a poem. You wanna read it? Here it is.

Leaving Murphy's

Two bars
Face each other
Across the pitted stretch
of Madison Avenue
Out the side door
I follow the blonde
- a college girl
Megan or something -
To her car
And happen to look
Across the street

It's December, see
Between Christmas and
New Year's Eve
And the bars are deserted
I'd been to them all, I knew
And the air is icewater cold
And perfectly still
Smell the grease
And bus exhaust
Not a soul stirs
In midtown

She stands at the curb
Outside the other bar
A black jacket
Wallet chain
And a Virginia Slim
Waiting for a ride
- a friend, maybe
or something more
gone to get a car,
maybe -
And we smile at each other
Following our instincts
Through the winter night

I like it, anyway.

I took a late lunch today. I sat in front of the Front Street Deli and ate a sandwich, then walked down along the river. The loudest noise was a tugboat, slowly pushing a few barges out into the river. It was a warm, pleasant afternoon and Memphis was napping like a big ol' cat in a sunny spot.

Sonya and I aren't going to Mardi Gras this year, 'cause we're going to London instead. Yes, London will be cool, but I hate to miss Mardi Gras. It's been quite a fun tradition over the last five years. Next year, though, for sure.

I'm toying with the idea of graduate school. Again. So far the Universities of Florida, New Orleans and Memphis are in the running. I'd like to get my MFA in creative writing, after which all the world would open up for me.

My GPA from my undergraduate days might be a problem, though. You know what it was? Two point five one nine. That's barely a degree, folks. I am a scholar by a technicality.



