The Dope Show

I'm such a sucker for pop music. I was driving to work yesterday and the new Marilyn Manson song came on the radio...

Da dum, da dum, da dum, da dum....

It rocks, buddy! Tonight I ran to Huey's to grab some dinner and I heard Hole's new song. It makes me want to sing loud and drive fast.

And don't even think about saying, "but that's not pop music." Bullshit. Rap and alternative are the new pop.

Last summer I purchased the single of Mmm-bop, for god's sake. Hanson, if you can believe that. The summer before that it was the Macarena.

In high school I was a heavy metal hoodlum - but I loved Samantha Fox's cheesy cover of I Only Wanna Be with You. Sad, sad, sad. I like to think I have good taste in music, but sometimes I wonder...

There's a very interesting couple that lives in my building. I call them Tall Drunk-ass Guy and Crackhead Girlfriend. I call him Tall Drunk-ass Guy 'cause he's tall and acts like he's always drunk. I call her Crackhead Girlfriend 'cause she's Tall Drunk-ass Guy's girlfriend and she acts like a crackhead.

It's interesting, really. We live in a pretty nice building, with a good group of tenants. A lot of lawyers and law-type people. Still, somehow these two Jerry Springer refugees made it in. I saw them outside tonight, walking away from each other and flipping each other off. A couple of days ago I saw them yelling at each other out on Main Street.

There's a certain class of people that can't stay in their house and argue. They have to do it in public. These are those people.

And speaking of Jerry Springer...

I came home for lunch yesterday. I saw about half of Teletubbies first. That's one weird show. If you haven't seen it yet these four little furry guys with TV's in their stomachs dance around and talk baby-talk. It's really, really strange. It's from England, though. I guess that explains it.

Then Sonya switched it over to Jerry Springer. The topic? "We Still Live in a Car!" It was so sad. These people were truly beaten down by life.

And then a commercial came on. A mom and daughter were sitting at a kitchen table.

"Guess what?" the mom said, a look of incredible happiness on her face.

"What?" the daughter asked.

"We've got phone service!" the mom enthused.

Then it said the service wasn't available in Mississippi. Sad, sad, sad...

And just so y'all will know, I ran again tonight. It doesn't seem to be getting any easier. My immediate goal: one mile, non-stop, by the end of October. I just don't know...

And the book, Litany of Sins, will go out to publishers this month. Cross your damn fingers, everybody. I want the lecture circuit so bad it hurts.



