
Good stuff from Memepool tonight:



Siobhan likes to lie and do nothing.

One Year Ago
Harold gets gas, drinks wine and takes a bite from a wild animal.

Current Events

Welcome to Tuesday evening at the Williams Estate. While I love the WB network as much as anyone, I'll be really happy when the new seasons of Buffy and Angel get started. It's rained in New Orleans every day since, like, Thursday.

Yep, the whole entry's gonna be like this. you might want to go look at one of those other journals listed on the left. There's some quality stuff over there.

Yesterday was strange. For no good reason that I could think of I had a horrible case of creeping, anxious dread. It got worse as the day went on - by night-time I was jittering and jumpy as hell. It receded a little bit before I went to bed, only to be replaced with a forehead-piercing headache. I slept very badly last night - Sonya got up at one point, went in the living room and then came back. I woke up, went back to sleep, woke up...and the Wife was gone, then she was back. I was all half-asleep and confused. Then at three I woke up and pounced out of bed, sure that I was late for work. But it was three.

But the headache was gone when I woke up, as was the dread. I felt this was last fall, too, now that I think about it. What's up with that? Should I get on the Prozac?

Here's a quote from a CNN story about Bob Knight getting fired:

Matt Schildkret, 18, could not contain his frustration.

"All the freshmen, we came here to see Bob. Now we can't see him. It's ridiculous," Schildkret said.

Dear Matt,

Hey, Matt? If you're choosing a school based on who the coach is - and you're not an athlete - maybe you're not making the smartest decisions. I'm just saying.

And, by the way, Coach Knight was a fucking psychopath who probably would have rather ripped your head off and shit down your neck than have a civilized conversation with you, Matt. I'm just giving you the benefit of my wisdom, here. So you're probably better off.


And what about these refinery blockades in France? Apparently, the truck drivers were blocking the roads to refineries and gas stations because they didn't like the high price on gasoline. At some point they were even blocking roads and tunnels so no one could get anywhere.

Now, excuse me for being the ugly American here, but why didn't someone call the police? Or the army? I understand gas prices are a bitch and all, but it's one thing to protest and another to fuck with everyone else's lives. Feel free to picket, y'all, but when you start blocking the roads I think you need your heads whopped.

I heard Tony Blair on the radio today; he said he wasn't going to let truckers dictate to England what gas prices were going to be like. Tony won't hesitate to send in the cops and then the army. I'd think twice before I block the driveway at British Petroleum.

In the paper here a few days ago there was a story about a woman who died after a particularly risky and difficult childbirth. And that's sad, yeah? Yeah.

And it turns out she'd had a miscarriage a year ago. And I think, "aw, man, she really wanted a kid, obviously." And the article said the doctor had told her that getting pregnant was a dangerous thing for her, and I'm all, "that's very sad, very Steel Magnolias."

And then, buried deep in the article, it says that her and her husband already have a kid.

And then I was all frustrated and I threw the paper across the room and drank a screwdriver.

The Wife is watching American Pie. Isn't she cool?



